Pío XII Hotel
The 216 room 4 star hotel building occupies a rectangular plot in Pio XII Avenue. A longitudinal layout organizes the room´s module pattern.
The concept of a single volume has been present in the creative process from the beginning, undersanding the ground level as a plinth, a pierced base that holds the irregular prism of the building.
When referring to the external appearance of the building, a series of individual enclosed balconies have been designed on each facade, which form compact groups and balance the rest of the windows.

Office Building in Huidobro Avenue
The building, located in Huidobro Avenue, is the result of the cohesion between two complementary parts, the one dedicated to commercial activities, and the one dedicated to offices, divided into two independent modules.
The offices are separated from the trapezoidal shaped volume which holds the commercial activities. Its linear shape has aremarked horizontality and rythm, enphasized by the different colors of natural stone cladding panels.
The concept of open hall is applied in the arches in the ground floor, being the pillars the only contan¡ct with the ground apart from the front business premises, creating fluid spaces which provide the building with visual permeability.

Business promotion centre in Manoteras Avenue
Business promotion centre whose design is the result of the aggregation of three independent buildings, one holding offices,and the two others dedicated to services, all connected by an undergroud car park.
The external image is very powerful. The volumes are formed by glass boxes and the use of prefabricated concrete panels make the borders have a heavy aspect.

Julián Camarillo Business Centre
The building, used by the company services industry, is developed in a T formed configuration for the design and organisation of the small enterprises in 63 industrial modules through two perpendicular axis.
A combination of open spaces and closed volumes, and the use of different materials, creates a clear structure in which the different uses may be distinguished without losing the sense of uniformity.